The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) is a national membership organization for persons across the country working to provide older adults healthful food and nutrition through community-based services. NANASP's mission is to strengthen through advocacy and education those who help older Americans. NANASP’s vision is to reshape the future of nutrition and healthy aging.
Wednesday, June 12 Pre-Conference IntensivesSeparate Registration Fee Required
8am - 12pm Pre-Conference Intensive: Director’s Training ($75)
The session aims to equip participants with knowledge and resources essential for effectively addressing the needs of older Americans within the context of nutrition and aging services. Speakers from ACL will introduce the Older Americans Act, organization of the aging network, available resources, and basics of reporting and prioritization. The Nutrition and Aging Resource Center will provide lively discussion on the purpose of nutrition services, considerations for older adults, and other essentials of safely and successfully running a nutrition program, with time included for peer networking. We will close out the day with a Panel Discussion moderated by NANASP board members.
1pm - 5pm Pre-Conference Intensive: Congregate Meal Innovation ($75)
NANASP's mission is to strengthen through advocacy and education those who help older Americans
NANASP’s vision is to reshape the future of nutrition and healthy aging.
National Association of Nutrition & Aging Services Programs1612 K Street NW, Suite 200Washington, DC 20006(202) 682-6899