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Founded in 1977, NANASP is proud to be a leading organization advocating for community-based senior nutrition programs and staff. Our member programs represent a wide range of essential services providers who support the nutrition, health and life quality of seniors.

With members from across the United States, we are national advocates for senior health and well being who strengthen the policies and programs that nourish seniors.  We accomplish this mission through a collective national voice and through local community action.

NANASP is an active member of the aging network and works collaboratively with key coalitions, including the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations, the Elder Justice Coalition, and Defeat Malnutrition Today, on issues which concern the older adults our members serve, such as nutrition, Medicare and Medicaid, elder justice, Social Security and other retirement security issues, transportation, and older workers’ issues.

NANASP continues to maintain and use a working knowledge of significant developments and trends in the field of aging while advocating for federal funds to support senior nutrition programs.

NANASP's mission is to strengthen through advocacy and education those who help older Americans

NANASP’s vision is to reshape the future of nutrition and healthy aging.

National Association of Nutrition &
Aging Services Programs

1612 K Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC  20006
(202) 682-6899

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