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Hotel and Conference location

Hilton Alexandria Mark Center
5000 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22311

NANASP Room Rate $249
Reservation Link :

Plan Now to Join Us June 4-6, 2025 and Submit Your Proposal by January 15 for the NANASP Annual Conference at the Hilton Alexandria Hotel

The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) invites you to share your nutrition, senior center, and aging services expertise, research, and promising practices on health & wellness by submitting a presentation proposal for
2025 Annual Training Conference!

Requested Topic Areas:The Conference Committee is seeking proposals for workshops, sessions, and/or panel presentations of 60-75 minutes in length for educational (not commercial) purposes. Presentations with a unique, broad appeal to nutrition and aging service providers and senior center professionals are encouraged.

Topics may include (but are not limited to): mental and behavioral health and well-being, nutrition components for home-delivered and congregate meal preparation; impacts of social isolation, building successful partnerships; avoiding burnout; implementing a trauma-informed approach to serving older adults, community visibility, support, and leadership; board development; resource development; fundraising and volunteer management; marketing and image; administration and governance; and innovative programs and services such as inter-generational, technology, evidence-based health and wellness, brain health, multi-cultural, recreational, educational, and transportation.

Proposal Requirements: All proposals must include your contact information, the proposed presentation title and description, a brief narrative bio, and speaker qualifications.

Deadline: Call for Proposals Closes January 15, 2025. Proposals will be assessed on practical applicability, innovation and originality, clarity and completeness, timeliness of subject matter, and presenter experience. Final selections will be made, and presenters notified in February 2025.

Presenters are responsible for their own expenses, including related travel and registration fees. LCD projectors, screens, and microphones will be provided upon request. Presenters are required to submit materials 30 days in advance for inclusion in the conference resources distributed to all attendees electronically.


2024 Nutrition & Aging Services Conference
June 12-14, 2024 | Westin Downtown | Denver, CO

Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for a great conference in Denver! 
Stay tuned for more information about the 2025 Annual Conference Coming Soon!

Thank You 2024 Sponsors

NANASP's mission is to strengthen through advocacy and education those who help older Americans

NANASP’s vision is to reshape the future of nutrition and healthy aging.

National Association of Nutrition &
Aging Services Programs

1612 K Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC  20006
(202) 682-6899

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