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Spread the Word: Tips on Medicare Part D Open Enrollment for Service Providers

Monday, November 4   |  1:00 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT  |  Listen here | View the presentation

This year, there are some new programs available to enrollees and other important changes to Medicare. Join us on Monday, November 4th at 1:00 PM ET for a webinar focused on getting the word out to older Americans, so they can choose the best coverage before open enrollment concludes. 

The webinar will review the new Medicare Prescription Payment Plan and other important changes to 2025 plans that enrollees need to be aware of, best practices for educating your clients and older Americans on the changes, and resources that are available from CMS, NANASP, and other partners. Additionally, we want to hear from you on any challenges you have encountered so far and your ideas for helping spread the word! We look forward to a collaborative and lively discussion! Our speakers include

    • Bob Blancato, Executive Director, NANASP
    • Jeff Klein, FACHE, President & CEO, Nevada Senior Services, Inc.
    • Cynthia Walker, HUD Certified Housing Counselor, Benefits Counselor, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging

On Thursday August 1st, NANASP Executive Director, Bob Blancato,  Bonnie Hogue Duffy, Coalition Convener for MAPRx,
Jeff Klein, FACHE, President and CEO of Nevada Senior Services, and Michael Ward, MS, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Relations of Alliance for Aging Research
"Helping Service Providers Navigate 2025 Changes to Medicare Part D Program Open Enrollment" to update members on Medicare Part D to ensure our older adult clients are ready for the upcoming Medicare Open Enrollment period. 


NANASP 2021 Virtual Conference

NANASP 2021 Virtual Conference Keynote/General Session 1 - Washington Update

NANASP 2021 Virtual Conference General Session 2 - Lessons Learned from Older Adult Inequities in a Pandemic Year

NANASP 2021 Virtual Conference General Session 3 - Partnerships with Healthcare Organizations

NANASP 2021 Virtual Conference General Session 4 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

NANASP 2021 Virtual Conference General Session 5 - Homelessness and Housing: A Growing Crisis Among Older Adults

NANASP's mission is to strengthen through advocacy and education those who help older Americans

NANASP’s vision is to reshape the future of nutrition and healthy aging.

National Association of Nutrition &
Aging Services Programs

1612 K Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC  20006
(202) 682-6899

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